2021 Nominating Committee Report

Nominating Committee Update: The Attached nominating committee report was signed by the 2021 Tolt MS PTSA nominating committee. The committee hereby places the following names into nomination: For the office of President: Carmen Love
For the office of Vice President: ... Read the rest

Krispy Kreme SPRING Sale is live!


Buy Krispy Kreme Donuts and help the Tolt PTSA.
Place your order and pickup one of these dates (selected in form below)

Wednesday, April 28th  7:30am-10:00am pickup at Tolt Middle School.
Saturday, May 1st 10:30am-12:00pm at Timberlake Church ... Read the rest

Tolt PTSA Nominating Committee Needs YOU!

Are you looking to get more involved at Tolt next year? Then consider a PTSA officer position!!! The Tolt PTSA Nominating Committee is looking for candidates for the following positions for the 2021-2022 school year: President, Vice President, Secretary and ... Read the rest

Krispy Kreme February Sale is live!


Buy Krispy Kreme Donuts and help the Tolt PTSA.
Place your order and pickup one of these dates (selected in form below)

Wednesday, Feb. 10  (4-6pm PM PICKUP ONLY) at Tolt Middle School.
Saturday, Feb. 13 (10:30am-12:00pm) at ... Read the rest